Tuesday, January 10, 2017


The acrylic fibers include acrylic, modacrylic, and alternative vinyl fibers containing cyanide groups as side chains. Among the most important acrylic fibers, acrylonitrile is that the comonomer containing a cyanide group. Acrylic fibers are formed from copolymers containing larger than 85th acrylonitrile monomer units, whereas modacrylic fibers contain 35%-85% acrylonitrile units. In general, these fibers possess a heat bulky hand, smart resiliency and wrinkle resistance, and overall favorable aesthetic properties.
Acrylic fibers are formed from wet or dry spinning of copolymers. After texturizing, acrylic fibers have a light, bulky, wool-like hand and overall wool-like aesthetics. The fibers are resilient and possess glorious acid and daylight resistance. Acrylics have been used extensively in applications formerly reserved for wool or other certain fibers.

Fig 1: Structure of Acrylic Fiber

1. Structural Properties
Acrylic fibers are created of copolymers containing a minimum of 85th nitril units together with one or a lot of comonomers including methyl group methacrylate, vinyl acetate, or vinyl pyridine (Fig. 1) The copolymer is created through free radical emulsion polymerisation. after precipitation, the copolymer is dried and dissolved in an applicable organic solvent and wet or dry spun. The degree of polymerisation of the copolymers used for fiber formation varies from 150 to 200 units. Pure polyacrylonitrile can type satisfactory fibers. owing to the extensive tight packing of adjacent molecular chains and also the high crystallinity of the fiber, comonomers should be introduced to lower the regularity and crystallinity of the polymer chains to create the fiber a lot of dye in a position. extensive hydrogen bonding happens between

Fig 2:

oc-hydrogens and also the electronegative nitrile groups on adjacent polymer chains, and powerful van der Waals interactions further contribute to the packing of the acrylic chains. The periodic comonomer units interfere with this packing and, therefore, decrease the general crystallinity of acrylic fibers. Acrylic fibers are sometimes smooth with round or dog-bone cross sections (Fig. 2).

2. Physical Properties
Acrylic fibers are fibers of moderate strength and elongations at break. The tenacity of acrylic fibers varies from 2 to 4 g/d (18-36 g/tex). On wetting, the tenacity drops to 1.5-3 g/d (13-27 g/tex). The elongation at break varies from 200th to 500th for the various acrylic fibers. At 2 elongation, the recovery of the fiber is 99%; but at 5-hitter elongation, the recovery is just 50%-95%. The fiber is moderately stiff and has wonderful resiliency and recovery from bending deformation. The fibers have low specific gravities of 1.16-1.18 and low wet regains of 1.0%-2.5% under standard temperature and humidity conditions. The fiber is soluble in polar aprotic solvents like N, N-dimethylformamide. The fiber exhibits good heat and electrical insulation properties. Acrylic fibers do build up moderate static charge and soften at 190°-250°C.

3. Chemical Properties
Acrylic fibers exhibit good chemical resistance. The fibers are solely attacked by concentrated acids and are slowly attacked and hydrolyzed by weak bases. Acrylics are unaffected by oxidizing and reducing agents except for hypochlorite solutions at elevated temperatures. Acrylic fibers are unaffected by biological agents and daylight. On heating above 200°C, acrylic fibers soften and undergo oxidative attack by a complex mechanism with formation of condensed unsaturated chromophoric (colored) groups within the fiber.

4. Acrylic End-Use Properties

Acrylic has the following properties:

1. Acrylic fibers are usually texturized, they have a bulky, wool-like hand and possess a moderate degree of luster.
2. Staple is common due to its wool-like appearance.
3. Crimping and spinning produces a bulky and resilient product like polyester.
4. High bulking doesn't relate to performance.
5. Yarn weight has to be approximately a similar as wool to perform like wool.
6. They possess fair abrasion and pilling resistance.
7. Bulk and abrasion resistance are kind of like wool.
8. Acrylic fiber possesses sensible resistance to house-hold chemicals and daylight and is moderately resistant to heat-induced oxidation and discoloration.
9. Owing to the introduction of a comonomer, acrylic fibers are generally dyeable and provide quick colours with a large range of dyes including acid, basic, or disperse dyes.
10. The comonomer present determines the type of dye(s) that may be effectively used.
11. Acrylics have poor look retention.
12. There's low static generation.
13. The fibers burn with melting and continue to burn on
14. The acrylic fibers are moderately flammable with a LOI of 18.
15. Acrylics melt at 420*-490°F.


Polyesters are those fibers containing a minimum of 85th of a polymeric organic compound of a substituted aromatic carboxylic acid together with, however not restricted to, terephthalic acid and p-hydroxybenzoic acid. the most important polyester in commerce is polyethylene terephthalate, an ester fashioned by step growth polymerization of terephthalic acid and therefore the diol ethylene glycol. Poly-1,4- cyclo hexylene dimethylene terephthalate is that the polyester of additional restricted usage and is made through the step growth polymerization of terephthalic acid with the additional complex glycol 1,4-cyclohexylenedimethanol. The polyester fibers all have similar properties, are extremely resilient and immune to wrinkling, possess high sturdiness and dimensional stability, and are resistant to chemical and environmental attack.

Fig 1: Structure of Polyethylene terephthalate polyester

Polyethylene terephthalate polyester is that the leading synthetic fiber in production volume and owes its quality to its skillfulness alone or as a blended fiber in textile structures. Once the term "polyester" is employed, it refers to the present generic kind. it's used extensively in woven and knitted apparel, home furnishings, and industrial applications. Modification of the molecular structure of the fiber through texturizing and or chemical finishing extends its quality in numerous applications.

Fig 2:

1. Structural Properties
Polyethylene terephthalate (Fig. 1) is made through step-growth polymerization of terephthalic acid or dimethyl terephthalate with ethylene glycol at 250°-300°C within the presence of a catalyst to a DP of 100-250.
The resultant polymer is isolated by cooling and solidification and dried. Polyester fibers are melt-spun from the copolymer at 250°-300°C, followed by fiber orientation, and stretching. The polyester molecular chains are fairly stiff and rigid as a result of the presence of periodic phenylene groups on the chain. The polyester molecules among the fiber tend to pack gently and control along by van der Waals forces. The polyesters are extremely crystalline unless comonomers are introduced to disrupt the regularity of the molecular chains. Polyester fibers are typically smooth and rodlike with round or trilobal cross sections (Fig. 2).

2. Physical Properties
Polyester from polyethylene terephthalate is an especially strong fiber with a tenacity of 3-9 g/d (27-81 g/tex). The elongation at break of the fiber varies from 15 August 1945 to 500th looking on the degree of orientation and nature of crystalline structure among the fiber. The fiber shows moderate (80%-95%) recovery from low elongations (2%-10%). The fiber is comparatively stiff and possesses excellent resiliency and recovery from bending deformation. The fiber features a relative density of 1.38. The fiber is kind of hydrophobic; with wet regain of 0.1%-0.4% underneath normal conditions and one.0% at 2I °C and 100% RH. it's swollen or dissolved by phenols, chioroacetic acid, or sure chlorinated hydrocarbons at elevated temperatures. The fiber exhibits moderate heat conductivity and has high resistivity, resulting in depth static charge buildup. On heating, the fiber softens within the 210°-250°C vary with fiber shrinkage and melts at 250°-255°C.

3. Chemical Properties
Polyethylene terephthalate polyester is extremely resistant to chemical attack by acid, bases, oxidizing and reducing agents, and is only attacked by hot concentrated acids and bases. Biological agents don't attack the fiber. On exposure to sunlight, the fiber slowly undergoes oxidative attack without color modification with an accompanying slow loss in strength. The fiber melts at regarding 250°C with only restricted decomposition.

4. Polyester End-Use Properties
Polyester has the following properties:
1.                 The staple is the most common form because filaments tend to crush and not recover.
2.                 Polyester possesses good strength and durability characteristics but exhibits moderate to poor recovery from stretching.
3.                 Polyester's durability is better than wool.
4.                 Its abrasion resistance is good.
5.                 It has a LOI of 21.
6.                 It is a moderately flammable fiber that bums on contact with a flame, but melts drips and shrinks away from the flame.
7.                 Static build up occurs.
8.                 The fiber is hydrophobic and nonabsorbent without chemical modification.
9.                 Due to its hydrophobicity and high crystallinity, polyester is difficult to dye and special dyes and dyeing techniques must be used.
10.            When dyed, polyester generally exhibits excellent colorfastness properties.
11.            Oily soil is retained unless treated with appropriate soil-release agents.
12.            It has excellent resistance to most household chemicals and is resistant to sunlight-induced oxidative damage.
13.            It has a bright translucent appearance unless a delusterant has been added to the fiber.
14.            Polyester is often made from recycled materials.
15.            Stain resistance is good.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Major Fibers and Their Properties

The properties of the key fibers employed in carpet manufacture are presented during this chapter. Nylon yarns account for over seventieth of the yarns accustomed type the tufted face of the substrate, with polyester, polypropene, acrylic, modacrylic, and wool yarns being employed to lesser extents. Nylon dominates the tufted carpet market thanks to its overall toughness and resiliency. Polypropylene is additionally used each in primary and secondary backing.

Fig 1: Chemical structures of Nylon 6 and Nylon 6,6

The polymeric amide fibers embrace the nylons, 6 and 6,6, and also the aramid fibers. each fiber sorts are fashioned from polymers of long-chain polyamides. The nylons usually are tough, strong, sturdy fibers helpful in an exceedingly big selection of textile applications. the amount of carbon atoms in every monomer or comonomer unit is often selected for the nylons. Therefore, the nylon with six carbon atoms within the continuation unit would be nylon 6 and also the nylon with six carbons in every of the monomer units would be nylon 6,6.
Nylon 6 and nylon 6,6 are terribly similar in properties and structure (Fig. 1) and, therefore, are delineated along. The key structural distinction is thanks to the location of the organic compound teams in an exceedingly continuous head-to-head arrangement in nylon 6, whereas in nylon 6,6, the organic compound teams reverse direction whenever in an exceedingly head-to-tail arrangement thanks to the variations within the monomers and chemical action techniques used.
Nylon 6,6 was developed within the u.  s., whereas nylon 6 was developed in Europe, and a lot of recently in Japan. The key variations within the fibers are that nylon 6,6 dyes lighter, features a higher freezing point, and a rather harsher hand than nylon 6.

Fig 2:

1.1 Structural Properties
Nylon 6 is made by ring-opening chain growth polymerization of caprolactam within the presence of vapour associated an acid catalyst at the soften. Once removal of water and acid, the nylon 6 is soften spun at 250°-260°C into fibers. Nylon 6,6 is ready by step growth chemical action of hexamethylene organic compound and carboxylic acid. Once drying, the nylon 6,6 is soften spun at 280°-290°C into fibers. Each nylon 6 and 6,6 square measure drawn to automatically orient the fibers following spinning.
The degree of chemical action of nylon 6 and 6,6 molecules varies from one hundred to 250 units. The polyamide molecular chains lay parallel to at least one another in an exceedingly "pleated sheet" structure with robust hydrogen bonding between amide linkages on adjacent molecular chains. The degree of crystallinity of the nylon can depend upon the degree of orientation given to the fiber throughout drawing. Nylon fibers are typically rounded with a sleek surface or are trilobal in cross section (Figs. 2 and 3). Multilobal (star) cross sections and alternative advanced cross sections also are found.

Fig 3:

1.2 Effect of Single-Step Versus ballroom dance Production of Nylon
Nylon fibers made in an exceedingly single-step method tend to possess a lot of open polymer structure compared to nylon made in an exceedingly ballroom dance method. The cause for this distinction is that the polymer structure isn't allowed to relax or condition within the single-step method before the everyday second step. This relaxation or acquisition step permits the nylon to make a lot of crystalline structure among the polymer matrix. Fibers made in an exceedingly single-step technique tend to abrade and stain a lot of simply than those factory-made in an exceedingly ballroom dance method.
High levels of uncrystallized structure produce associate simply dyeable fiber. This conjointly will increase the chance of staining and soilure along side poor wear performance. a lot of stain resistant chemical is applied to a fiber of lower crystallinity to attain a similar performance as a fiber of upper crystallinity.
1.3 Physical Properties
Nylon 6 and 6,6 fibers are robust, with a dry tenaciousness of 4-9 g/d (36-81 g/tex) and a wet tenaciousness of two.5-8 g/d (23-72 g/tex). These nylons have elongations at break of 15%-50% dry, which increase somewhat on wetting. Recovery from stretch deformation is extremely sensible, with ninety nine recoveries from elongations up to 100 percent. The nylons are stiff fibers with wonderful resiliency and recovery from bending deformation. They’re of rarity, with a selected gravity of one.14. They’re moderately hydrophilic with a wetness regain of 4%-5% below commonplace conditions and a regain of Sept. 11 at 100 pc RH. Nylon vi and vi,6 are soluble in H bond-breaking solvents like phenols, ninetieth acid, and benzyl radical alcohol. They need moderate heat conduction properties and are unaffected by heating below 150°C. The nylons have high ohmic resistance and promptly build up static charge.
1.4 Chemical Properties
The nylons are fairly immune to chemical attack. They’re attacked by acids, bases, and reducing and oxidizing agents below extreme conditions not found in traditional use. They’re unaffected by biological agents, however at elevated temperatures or within the presence of sunlight; they'll bear aerobic degradation with yellowing and loss of strength.
1.5 Nylon End-Use Properties
Nylon has the subsequent properties:
1.                 The fiber is hard and has sensible abrasion resistance.
2.                 Nylon 6 and nylon 6,6 square measure very robust fibers with wonderful recovery and resiliency.
3.                 It’s a coffee wetness content.
4.                 The fiber has sensible resistance to house chemicals, however exhibits poor resistance to attack by daylight unless treated with antioxidants.
5.                 Daylight degrades the polymer over a chronic amount of time.
6.                 Continuous filaments hide soil higher than staple ones.
7.                 Nylon fibers have high luster unless delustered.
8.                 Electricity will simply be generated.
9.                 Decomposition happens in robust mineral acids.
10.            Soil-hiding properties square measure modified by the form of the fiber.
11.            Melting happens at 414°-480°F.
12.            Lit cigarettes simply soften it.
13.            It’s limiting oxygen Index (L01), the quantity of oxygen in air necessary to cause combustion, is 20.
14.            Nylons soften, drip, and have a tendency to self extinguish on burning.
15.            Continuous filaments are generally employed in high traffic areas.
16.            Fibers have wonderful dyeability with wonderful color-fastness.
17.            Nylon 6 is somewhat deeper coloring than nylon 6,6.

18.            Staining could be a downside unless the merchandise is treated with a stain resistant chemical.


End-use property characterization methods usually involve use of laboratory techniques that are tailored to simulate actual conditions of average wear on the textile or that may predict performance in end-use. Usually quantitative numerical values can't be listed in comparing the end-use properties of a given textile fiber; nevertheless, relative rankings are attainable and may offer helpful info concerning the quality for a particular application of a fabric made up of a given fiber type. It should be stressed that extreme care should be taken in deciphering results from check ways and extrapolating the findings to actual wear and use conditions.
The ultimate properties of fibers in finish use do replicate the underlying morphological, physical, and chemical characteristics inherent to the fiber. All major end-use properties and characteristics thought about during this reference are printed in Secs. 2.3.1 to 2.3.3. End-use ways are sometimes voluntary or obligatory standards developed by check or trade organizations or by government agencies. Organizations concerned in standards development for textile end use embody the following:
                     American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC)
                     American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
                     American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
                     Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
                     Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
                     Society of Dyers and Colorists (SDC)
                     International Standards Organization (ISO)
1. Qualities Related to Identity, Esthetics, and Comfort
Filaments are known by normal, non-exclusive, and exchange names. The Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, regulated by the Federal Trade Commission, set up bland names for every single real class of filaments in light of the structure of the fiber. Normal regular strands frequently are likewise assigned by their assortment, sort, or nation of beginning, though man-made filaments made by different firms are assigned by profession names. In any case, the marked material must incorporate the non-exclusive name of the fiber(s) and the rate substance of every fiber inside the material substrate. Regularly exchange names are chosen which passes on to the buyer a specific "feeling," property, or use for that fiber. Nylon is a case of an exchange name (chose by DuPont for their polyamide fiber) which came into such regular utilization that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the end assigned it as the nonexclusive name of this fiber class. As new filaments of novel structure are created and popularized, the FTC assigns new bland names.
Various fiber end-utilize properties in material developments identify with the stylish, material, and solace qualities of the fiber. Such properties incorporate appearance, shine, hand (feel or touch), drapability, sponginess, general solace, wrinkle maintenance, pilling, and wrinkle resistance. These components are influenced to shifting degrees by the specific properties coveted from the material structure and its expected utilize. A significant number of these properties are identified with inborn properties of the filaments, which are converted into material structures arranged for end-utilize.
The general appearance and shine of a material can be identified with the shape and light retaining and diffusing qualities of the individual strands inside the structure. The hand or handle of a material structure is an intricate union of material reactions by an individual and is normal for the specific fiber or fiber mix and general structure of the material substrate. The drapability of materials is identified with the fiber solidness and twists capacity inside the complex auxiliary lattice making up the material. The dampness receptiveness and solace of a fiber is identified with its science and morphology and to the way it retains, connects with, and conducts dampness. Also, solace is identified with the yarn and texture structure into which the individual filaments have been made. Wrinkle maintenance and wrinkle resistance of a fiber in a material development are straightforwardly identified with the intrinsic substance and morphological attributes of the fiber as they rely on upon twisting and recuperation under dry and soggy conditions. The pilling attributes of a fiber in a material development are identified with the straightforwardness with which singular filaments might be mostly pulled from the material structure and to the constancy of the individual strands. Filaments in a free, open material structure are promptly pulled from the material. In the event that the fiber is solid, the fiber goes head to head with other free strands and blends with build up and fiber sections to frame a pill. Weaker filaments, for example, cotton, in any case, for the most part, sever before pill arrangement happens.
2. Qualities Related to Durability and Wear
The valuable existence of a texture relies on upon various variables, including the quality, extend, recuperation, durability, and scraped spot resistance of the fiber and the tearing and blasting resistance of the textures produced using that fiber. The composite of these components combined with the conditions and kind of end utilize or wear will decide the toughness qualities of a material structure produced using the fiber.
Filaments must be of least quality so as to develop material structures with sensible wear attributes. The wear and solidness of a texture will tend to increment with expanding fiber quality. Material structures produced using strands ready to withstand extending and disfigurement with great recuperation from twisting will have enhanced sturdiness, especially when subjected to blasting or tearing burdens. The relative sturdiness of the fiber likewise will influence the texture toughness, with harder strands giving the best execution. Intense, however versatile, filaments will likewise be impervious to scraped area or wear by rubbing the fiber surface. Scraped spot of a material structure normally happens at edges (edge scraped area), on level surfaces (level scraped spot), or through flexing of the material structure bringing about between fiber scraped spot (flex scraped spot).
3. Physical and Chemical Characteristics and Response of Fiber to Its Environmental Surroundings
The physical and compound attributes of a fiber influence various imperative end-utilize properties: (1) warm (physical and synthetic) impact on strands, including the protected pressing temperature and combustibility, (2) wetting of and soil expulsion from the fiber, including washing, cleaning, and fiber dyeability and speed, and (3) substance resistance, including imperviousness to assault by family unit chemicals and climatic gasses, especially within the sight of daylight.
Filaments react to warm in various ways. Thermoplastic filaments, for example, polyesters relax and in the end dissolve on warming without broad deterioration, in this way allowing setting of the diminished fiber through extending as well as bowing and resulting cooling. Different strands, for example, the cellulosic and protein filaments break down before dissolving and, thusly, can't be set utilizing physical means. The protected pressing temperature of a texture is dictated by the softening as well as decay temperature of the fiber and must be essentially beneath this temperature. At adequately high temperatures, strands are synthetically assaulted by oxygen in the climate, which quickens fiber disintegration. On the off chance that the temperature and warmth info is adequately high or if a fire is included, the fiber will touch off and smolder and, along these lines, break down at a more quick rate. On expulsion from the warmth source, a few strands will self-douse, though others will manage a fire and keep on burning. The smoldering qualities of a fiber rely on upon its intrinsic substance structure and the way of any completions or added substances show on the fiber.
At the point when soil is expelled from a texture as in washing or cleaning, the individual strands must be impervious to assault or harm brought about by added substances, for example, cleansers, the dissolvable medium utilized, and mechanical tumult. Textures built of strands that swell in water or dry-cleaning solvents can experience significant dimensional changes on wetting. Additionally, strands with surface scales, for example, fleece experience felting within the sight of dampness and mechanical activity.
The dye ability of a fiber is subject to the compound and morphological attributes of the fiber, the capacity of the fiber to be adequately wetted and entered by the coloring medium, and the dispersion qualities of the color in the fiber. Since most coloring procedures are done in water medium, hydrophilic filaments by and large color more promptly than the more hydrophobic strands. The quickness of the color on the fiber will be subject to the nature and request of physical or potentially compound powers holding the color on the fiber and the impact of ecological elements, for example, daylight, family chemicals, and mechanical activity (crocking) on the color fiber blend.

The substance resistance of a fiber can profoundly affect end utilize. The filaments that are delicate to substance assault by family chemicals, for example, fade are restricted in their end employments. The resistance of strands to assault by barometrical gasses including oxygen, ozone, and oxides of nitrogen, especially within the sight of daylight and dampness, can likewise be critical contemplations in certain end employments.

Sunday, January 8, 2017


A number of methods are accessible for characterization of the structural, physical, and chemical properties of fibers. The key methods accessible are outlined during this chapter, including a short description of every technique and also the nature of characterization that the method provides.
1. Optical and electron microscopy
Optical microscopy (OM) has been used for several years as a reliable technique to see the gross morphology of a fiber in longitudinal, in addition as cross-sectional views. Mounting the fiber on a slide wetted with a liquid of acceptable refractive properties has been accustomed minimize light scattering effects. The presence of gross morphological characteristics like fiber form and size and also the nature of the surface will be readily detected. Magnifications as high as 1,500X are possible, although less depth of field exists at higher magnifications. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) will be accustomed read the morphology of fibers with sensible depth of field and determination at magnifications up to 10,000X. In scanning microscopy, the fiber should initial be coated with a skinny film of a conducting metal like silver or gold. The mounted specimen then is scanned with an electromagnetic wave, and back-scattered particles emitted from the fiber surface are detected and analyzed to make a picture of the fiber. Transmission microscopy (TEM) is additional specialized and tougher to perform than SEM. It measures Infobahn density of electrons passing through the skinny cross sections of metal-coated fibers and provides a way to seem at their micro-morphologies.
2. Elemental and End-Group Analysis
The qualitative and measurement of the chemical parts and teams in an exceedingly fiber could aid in identification and characterization of a fiber. Care should be taken in analysis of such knowledge, since the presence of dyes or finishes on the fibers could have an effect on the character and content of parts and finish teams found in an exceedingly given fiber. Mensuration and instrumental chemical strategies are on the market for analysis of specific parts or teams of parts in fibers. Specific chemical analyses of purposeful teams and finish teams in organic polymers that compose fibers is also administered. for instance, analyses of amino acids in macromolecule fibers, amino teams in polyamides and proteins, and acid teams in polyamides and polyesters aid in structure determination, molecular characterization, and identification of fibers.
3. Infrared spectrographic analysis
Infrared spectrographic analysis could be a valuable tool in determination of purposeful teams among a fiber. Purposeful teams in an exceedingly compound absorb infrared energy at wavelengths characteristic of the actual cluster and cause changes within the vibration modes among the purposeful cluster. As a result of the infrared absorption characteristics of the fiber, specific purposeful teams will be known. Infrared spectrographic analysis of fibers will be administered on the finely divided fiber segments ironed in an exceedingly salt pellet, or through the utilization of coefficient techniques. Purposeful teams in dyes and finishes can also be detected by this system.
4. Ultraviolet-Visible spectrographic analysis
The ultraviolet-visible spectra of fibers, dyes, and finishes will offer clues regarding the structure of those materials, in addition as show the character of electronic transitions that occur among the fabric as light-weight is absorbed at numerous wavelengths by unsaturated teams giving an electronically-excited molecule. The absorbed energy is either harmlessly dissipated as heat, light, or fluorescence, or causes chemical reactions to occur that modify the chemical structure of the fiber. Ultraviolet-visible spectra will be measured for a fabric either in resolution or by coefficient. Coefficient spectra square measure notably helpful in color mensuration and assessment of color variations in colored and bleached fibers.
5. Nuclear resonance spectrographic analysis
Nuclear resonance (NMR) spectrographic analysis measures the relative magnitude and direction (moment) of spin orientation of the nucleus of the individual atoms within a polymer from a fiber in resolution in an exceedingly high-intensity field of force. The degree of shift of spins among the field of force and also the signal ripping characteristics of individual atoms like element or carbon among the molecule are smitten by the placement and nature of the teams close every atom. During this manner, the "average" structure of long polymeric chains will be determined. Line dimension from NMR spectra can also offer data regarding the connection of crystalline and amorphous areas among the polymer. 
6. X-ray diffraction
X-rays, diffracted from or mirrored off crystalline or semi crystal-line polymeric materials, offer patterns associated with the crystalline and amorphous areas among a fiber. the dimensions And form of individual crystalline and amorphous sites within the fiber are mirrored within the pure mathematics and sharpness of the X-ray diffraction pattern and supply an insight into the inner structure of the polymeric chains.
7. Thermal Analysis
Physical and chemical changes in fibers is also investigated by measurement changes in chosen properties as little samples of fiber are heated at a gradual rate over a given temperature point an inert atmosphere like nitrogen. There are four thermal characterization strategies.
1.                 Differential thermal analysis (DTA)
2.                 Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
3.                 Thermal quantitative analysis (TGA)
4.                 Thermal mechanical analysis (TMA)
In DTA, little changes in temperature (AT) within the fiber sample compared to a reference are detected and recorded because the sample is heated. The changes in temperature (AT) are directly associated with physical and chemical events occurring among the fiber because it is heated. These events embrace changes in crystallinity and crystal structure, loss of water, solvents and volatile materials, and melting and decomposition of the fiber. Differential scanning calorimetry is analogous to DTA, however measures changes in enthalpy (AN) instead of temperature (AT) because the fiber is heated; it provides quantitative knowledge on the natural philosophy processes concerned. In an element like nitrogen, most processes square measure heat-absorbing (heat absorbing). If DTA or DSC is administered in air with oxygen, knowledge is also obtained associated with the combustion characteristics of the fiber, and fiber decomposition becomes exoergic (heat generating). Thermal quantitative analysis measures changes in mass (AM) of a sample because the temperature is raised at a regular rate. It provides data regarding loss of volatile materials, the speed and mode of decomposition of the fiber, and also the impact of finishes on fiber decomposition. Thermal mechanical analysis measures changes in an exceedingly specific mechanical property because the temperature of the fiber is raised at a regular rate. Varieties of specialized mechanical devices are developed to live mechanical changes in fibers, as well as hardness and flow below stress.
8. Molecular weight Determination
Molecular weight determination strategies offer data regarding the typical size and distribution of individual polymer molecules creating up a fiber. Molecular weights alter one to calculate the length of the typical continuation unit among the polymer chain, higher called the stateless person. The distribution of polymer chain lengths among the fiber provides data regarding chosen polymer properties.
The major mass determination strategies embrace range average molecular weights (M „), determined by end-group analysis, osmometry, cryoscopy, and ebullioscopy; weight average molecular weights (Mw), determined by light-weight scattering and ultracentrifugation; and consistency molecular weights (My), determined by the rate of flow of polymer solutions. Since every technique measures the typical mass of the polymer otherwise, the mass values obtained can take issue betting on the range and distribution of polymer chains of variable lengths gift within the fiber. The variations in worth between M„ and Mw offer measures of the breadth of distribution of polymers among the fiber. BY definition the distribution of molecular weights for a given polymer can forever be Mw > Mv > Mn.
9. Mechanical and Tensile Property Measurements
Mechanical and tensile measurements for fibers embrace purpose or lastingness, elongation at break, recovery from restricted elongation, stiffness (relative force needed to bend the fiber), and recovery from bending. The tensile properties of individual fibers or yarns are typically measured on a tensile testing machine like AN Instron® that subjects fibers or yams of a given length to a relentless rate of force or loading. The force necessary to interrupt the fiber or yarn, or purpose, is often given in grams per denier (g/d) or grams per tex (g/tex), or as metric linear unit breaking length within the System International d'Unites. The elongation to interrupt of a fiber could be alive of the last word degree of extension that a fiber will face up to before breaking. The degree of recovery of a fiber from a given elongation could be alive of the resiliency of the fiber to little deformation forces. The stiffness or bend ability of a fiber is expounded to the chemical structure of the macromolecules creating up the fiber, the forces between adjacent compound chains, and also the degree of crystallinity of the fiber. Mechanical and tensile property measurements will offer valuable insights into the structure of a fiber and its projected performance in finish use.
10. Relative density
The specific gravity of a fiber could be alive of its density in regard to the density of identical volume of water, and provides a way to relate the mass per unit volume of a given fiber thereto of alternative fibers. The precise gravity relates in some extent to the character of molecular packing, crystallinity, and molecular alignment within the fiber. Relative density of a fiber can offer a plan of the relative weight cloths of materials of identical fabric structure, however of differing fiber content. End-use properties like hand (feel or touch), drapability, and look are stricken by fiber density.
11. Environmental Properties
Environmental properties embrace those physical properties that relate to the setting during which a fiber is found. Wet regain, solvent solubility, heat conduction, the physical impact of warmth, and electrical properties rely upon the environmental conditions close the fiber. The uptake of wet by a dry fiber at equilibrium can rely upon the temperature and ratio of the setting. Solvent solubility’s of fibers can rely upon the solubility parameters of the solvent in regard to fiber structure and crystallinity. Heat conduction, the physical impact of heating like melting, softening, and alternative thermal transitions, and also the electrical properties of a fiber rely upon the inherent structure of the fiber and also the manner during which heat or current is acted upon by the macromolecules among the fiber. Environmental properties are measured by subjecting the fiber to the acceptable environmental conditions and measurement the property desired below such conditions.
12. Chemical Properties
The chemical properties of fibers embrace the consequences of chemical agents like acids, bases, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, and biological agents like molds and mildews on the fiber, and light- and heat-induced chemical changes among the fiber. Acids and bases cause hydrolytic attack of molecular chains among a fiber, whereas oxidizing and reducing agents cause chemical attack of purposeful teams through chemical reaction (removal of electrons) or reduction (addition of electrons). Such chemical attack wills modification the fiber’s structure and presumably cleaves the molecular chains among the fiber. Biological agents like moths on wool or mildew on polysaccharide use the fiber as a nutrient for biological growth and, afterwards, cause harm to the fiber structure.
Sunlight contains ultraviolet, visible, and infrared emission energy. This energy will be absorbed at separate wavelength ranges by fibers betting on their molecular structure. Ultraviolet and visual light-weight absorbed by a fiber can cause excitation of electrons among the structure, raising them to higher energy states. Shorter ultraviolet wavelengths are the foremost extremely energetic and provide the foremost extremely excited states. Visible radiation typically has very little impact on the fiber, though its absorption and coefficient of unabsorbed light can verify the color and coefficient characteristics of the fiber. Infrared energy absorbed can increase the vibration of molecules among the fiber and can cause heating. The excited species among the fiber will come to their original (ground) state, through dissipation of the energy as molecular vibrations or heat, while not considerably poignant the fiber. Ultraviolet and a few visible radiation absorbed by the fiber, however, will cause molecular cut among the fiber and cause adverse atom reactions, which is able to cause fiber deterioration.

Heating a fiber to more and higher temperatures in air can cause physical in addition as chemical changes among the fiber. At sufficiently high temperatures, molecular cut, oxidation, and alternative complicated chemical reactions related to decomposition of the fiber can occur inflicting doable discoloration and a severe drop by physical and end-use properties for the fiber.

Friday, January 6, 2017


Fibers make up the face, and typically the backing of the carpet. The characteristics and qualities of the fiber are a significant determinant of the performance of the carpet.

Several methods are accustomed establish fibers and to differentiate them from each other. The foremost common methods embrace microscopic examination, solubility tests, heating and burning characteristics, density or specific gravity, and marking techniques.

1. Microscopic Identification
Examination of longitudinal and cross-sectional views of a fiber at one hundred to five hundred magnifications offers careful data concerning the surface morphology of the fiber. Identification of the many natural fibers is feasible using the microscope; however identification of man-made fibers is harder as a result of their similarity in look and as a result of the actual fact that spinning techniques and spinneret form will radically alter the gross morphological structure of the fiber.

2. Solubility
The chemical structure of polymers during a fiber determines the fiber's basic solubility characteristics, and also the impact of solvents on fibers will aid within the general fiber classification. Varied classification schemes involving solubility are developed to separate and establish fibers.

3. Heating and Burning Characteristics
The reaction of fibers to heat from an open flame may be a helpful guide within the identification of fibers. When thermoplastic fibers are brought near a flame, they melt, fuse, and shrink, whereas non thermoplastic fibers brown, char, or are unaffected by the flame. On contact with an open flame, fibers of organic polymers ignite and burn. The character of the burning reaction is characteristic of the chemical structure of the fiber. On removal from the flame, fibers either self-extinguish or still burn. The odor of gases returning from the decomposing fibers and also the nature of any residual ash are characteristic of the fibrous polymer being burned.

4. Density or relative density
Fiber density is also used as an aid in fiber identification. Fiber density is also determined by using a series of solvent mixtures of variable density or relative density. If the particular gravity of the fiber is bigger than that of the liquid, the fiber specimen sinks within the liquid. Conversely, if the particular gravity of the fiber is a smaller amount than that of the liquid, the fiber specimen floats. Thereby, an approximate determination of fiber density is also created.

5. Staining

Fibers have differing dyeing characteristics and affinities addicted to the chemical and morphological structure of the fiber. Ready dye mixtures containing dyes of differing affinities for numerous fiber varieties are used extensively as identification stains for undyed fabrics. Since some fiber sorts might dye to similar shades with these dye mixtures, 2 or a lot of stains sometimes should be wont to ensure the fiber content. Staining is effective just for previously undyed fibers or for fibers wherever the dye is stripped from the fiber before staining.