Wednesday, January 4, 2017


There are many primary properties necessary for a polymeric material to form an adequate fiber:
1.                 Fiber length to breadth ratio
2.                 Fiber uniformity
3.                 Fiber strength and adaptability
4.                 Fiber extensibility and elasticity
5.                 Fiber cohesiveness
Certain alternative fiber properties increase its value and desirability in its supposed end-use; however aren't necessary properties essential to form a fiber. Such secondary properties embrace moisture absorption characteristics, fiber resiliency, abrasion resistance, density, luster, chemical resistance, thermal characteristics, and flammability. An additional careful description of both primary and secondary properties follows in Secs. 1 and 2

1. Primary Properties

Fiber Length to dimension ratio. Fibrous materials should have sufficient length so they will be created into twisted yarns. Additionally, the breadth of the fiber (the diameter of the cross-section) should be a lot of but the general length of the fiber; sometimes the diameter ought to be 1/100 of the length. The fiber could also be "infinitely" long, as found with continuous filament fibers, or as short as 0.5 inches (1.3 cm), as found in staple fibers. Most natural fibers are staple fibers, whereas synthetic fibers come in either staple or filament type, looking on process before Yarn formation.
Fiber Uniformity. Fibers appropriate for process into yarns and fabrics should be fairly uniform in form and size. while not sufficient  uniformity of dimensions and properties during a given set of fibers to be twisted into yarn, the particular formation of the yarn could also be not possible or the ensuing yarn could also be weak, rough, irregular in size and form, and unsuitable for textile usage. Natural fibers should be sorted and ranked to assure fiber uniformity, whereas synthetic fibers could also be "tailored" by cutting into acceptable uniform lengths to offer a correct degree of fiber uniformity.
Fiber Strength and adaptability. A fiber or yarn made of the fiber should possess sufficient strength to be processed into a textile material or alternative textile article. Following fabrication into a textile article, the ensuing textile should have sufficient strength to produce adequate sturdiness during end-use. Several specialists take into account single fiber strength of 5 grams per denier to be necessary for a fiber to be appropriate inmost textile applications, though bound fibers with strengths as low as 1.0 gram per denier are found appropriate for a few applications.
The strength of a single fiber is termed the determination, outlined because the force per unit linear density necessary to interrupt a noted unit of that fiber. The breaking determination of a fiber could also be expressed in grams per denier (g/d) or grams per tex (g/tex). Each denier and tex are units of linear density (mass per unit of fiber length) and are outlined because the variety of grams of fiber activity 9,000 meters and 1,000 meters, severally. As a result, the denier of a fiber or Yarn can invariably be nine fold the tex of constant fiber. Since tenacities of fibers or yams are obtained by dividing the force by denier or tex, the determination of a fiber in grams per denier are going to be 1/9 that of the fiber determination in grams per tex.
As a result of the variation of the metric system of Units (SI), the suitable length unit for breaking determination becomes kilometer (km) of breaking length or Newton per tex (N/tex) and can be equivalent in worth to g/tex.
The strength of a fiber, Yarn, or material is expressed in terms of force per unit space, and once expressed during this manner, the term is strength. the foremost common unit employed in the past for strength has been pounds force per area unit or grams force per square metric linear unit. In SI units, the pounds force per square inch x 6.895 can become kilopascals (kPa) and grams force per square metric linear unit x 9.807 can become megapascals (MPa). A fiber should be sufficiently versatile to travel through perennial bendings while not vital strength deterioration or breakage of the fiber. while not adequate flexibility, it'd be not possible to convert fibers into yarns and materials, since flexing and bending of the individual fibers could be a necessary a part of this conversion. Additionally, individual fibers during a textile are going to be subjected to hefty bending and flexing throughout finish use.
Fiber Extensibility and snap. A private fiber should be ready to endure slight extensions long (less than 5%) while not breakage of the fiber. At constant time, the fiber should be ready to virtually utterly recover following slight fiber deformation. In alternative words, the extension deformation of the fiber should be nearly elastic. These properties are necessary as a result of the individual fibers in textiles are usually subjected to sudden  stresses, and also the textile should be ready to offer and recover while not vital overall deformation of the textile.
Fiber Cohesiveness. Fibers should be capable of adhering to at least one another once spun into a yarn. The cohesiveness of the fiber could also be thanks to the form and contour of the individual fibers or the character of the surface ofthe fibers. Additionally, long-filament fibers by virtue of their length are twisted along to relinquish stability while not true cohesion between fibers. Usually the term "spinning quality" is employed to state the general attractiveness of fibers for each other.

2. Secondary Properties

Moisture Absorption and natural action. Most fibers tend to soak up wetness (water vapor) once up-to-date with the atmosphere. The number of water absorbed by the textile fiber depends on the chemical and body and properties of the fiber, moreover because the temperature and humidness of the environment. The share absorption of vapor by a fiber is usually expressed as its wetness regain. The regain is set by consideration a dry fiber, then inserting it during a space set to straightforward temperature and humidness [21° f  1°C and 65th ratio (RH)] are ordinarily used). From these measurements, the share wetness regain of the fiber is set.


Figure: Equations

Percentage moisture content of a fiber is that the percentage of the overall weight of the fiber, that is attributable to the moisture present, and is obtained from the subsequent formula.
The percentage moisture content can always be the smaller of the 2 values.
Fibers vary greatly in their regain, with hydrophobic (water-repel-ling) fibers having regains close to zero and hydrophilic (water-seeking) fibers like cotton, rayon, and wool having regains as high as 15 august 1945 at 21°C and 65th RH. The flexibility of fibers to regain massive amounts of water affects the essential properties of the fiber in finish use. Absorbent fibers are able to absorb massive amounts of water before they feel wet, a very important issue wherever absorption of perspiration is important. Fibers with high regains are easier to method, finish, and dye in liquid solutions, however can dry a lot of slowly. The low regain found for several synthetic fibers make them fast drying, a definite advantage in bound applications. Fibers with high regains are usually fascinating as a result of the supply a "breathable" fabric which might conduct moisture from the body to the skin atmosphere without delay, because of their favorable moisture absorption-desorption properties. The tensile properties of fibers similarly as their dimensional properties are suffering from moisture.
Fiber Resiliency and Abrasion Resistance. The power of a fiber to soak up shock and recover from deformation and to be generally immune to abrasion forces is very important to its end-use and wear characteristics. In client use, fibers in materials are usually placed below stress through compression, bending, and twisting (torsion) forces below a range of temperature and humidity conditions. If the fibers among the material possess smart elastic recovery properties from such deformative actions, the fiber has smart resiliency and higher overall look in finish use. As an example, wool shows poor wrinkle recovery beneath hot wet conditions, whereas polyester exhibits smart recovery from deformation as a results of its high resiliency. Resistance of a fiber to break once mobile forces or stresses are available in contact with fiber structures is remarked as abrasion resistance. If a fiber is ready to effectively absorb and dissipate these forces while not harm, the fiber can show smart abrasion resistance. The toughness and hardness of the fiber is expounded to its chemical and physical structure and also the morphology of the fiber, and can influence the abrasion of the fiber. A rigid, brittle fiber like glass, that is unable to dissipate the forces of abrasive action, ends up in fiber harm and breakage, whereas a tricky, but a lot of plastic, fiber like polyester shows higher resistance to abrasion forces. Finishes will have an effect on fiber properties as well as resiliency and abrasion resistance.
Luster. Luster refers to the degree of sunshine that's mirrored from the surface of a fiber or the degree of gloss or refulgence that the fiber possesses. The inherent chemical and physical structure and form of the fiber will have an effect on the relative luster of the fiber. With natural fibers, the luster of the fiber relies on the morphological kind that nature offers the fiber, although the relative luster may be modified by chemical and/or physical treatment of the fiber in processes, like mercerization of cotton. Synthetic fibers will vary in luster from bright to uninteresting counting on the number of delusterant added to the fiber. Delusterants like titanium dioxide tend to scatter and absorb light-weight, thereby creating the fiber seem duller. The desirability of luster for a given fiber application can vary and is commonly hooked in to the supposed finish use of the fiber during a cloth and on current fashion trends.
Resistance to Chemicals within the atmosphere. A textile fiber, to be helpful, must have affordable resistance to the chemicals it comes in reality within its atmosphere during use and maintenance. It should have resistance to oxidation by oxygen and different gases within the air, significantly within the presence of light, and be resistant to attack by microorganisms and different biological agents. Several fibers bear light-induced reactions, and fibers from natural sources are at risk of biological attack, however such deficiencies may be reduced by treatment with applicable finishes. Textile fibers are available in contact with an oversized vary of chemical agents during washing and dry cleaning and should be immune to attack below such conditions.
Density. The density of a fiber is related to its inherent chemical structure and also the packing of the molecular chains among that structure. The density of a fiber can have a comprehensible impact on its aesthetic appeal and its quality in given applications. As an example, glass and silk fabrics of a similar denier would have noticeable variations in weight because of their broad variations in density. Fishnets of polypropylene fibers are of nice utility as a result of their density is a smaller amount than that of water. Densities are typically expressed in units of grams per cubic centimeter; however in Si units are going to be expressed as kilograms per cubic meter, which gives a price one thousand times larger.
Thermal and Flammability Characteristics. Fibers utilized in textiles should be proof against wet and dry heat, should not ignite pronto once coming back in contact with a flame, and ideally should self-extinguish once the flame is removed. Heat stability is especially necessary to a fiber throughout dyeing and finishing of the textile, and through cleanup and general maintenance by the buyer. Textile fibers for the most half are created of organic polymeric materials containing carbon and burn on ignition from a flame or alternative propagating source. The chemical structure of a fiber establishes its overall flammability characteristics, and applicable textile finishes will reduce the degree of flammability. Variety of federal, state, and native statutes eliminate the foremost dangerous flammable fabrics from the marketplace.

3. Primary Fiber Properties from an Engineering Perspective

The textile and polymer engineer should consider variety of criteria essential for formation, fabrication, and assembly of fibers into textile substrates. Often, the factors used are going to be just like those set forth regarding end-use properties. Ideally, a textile fiber should have the following properties:
1.                 A melting and/or decomposition point higher than 220°C.
2.                 A tensile strength of 5 g/denier or greater.
3.           Elongation at break higher than 100% with reversible elongation up to 5 strains.
4.                 A moisture absorption factor of 2%-5% moisture uptake.
5.                 Combined moisture regains and air entrapment capability.
6.                 High abrasion resistance.
7.                 Resistance to attack, swelling, or solution in solvents, acids, and bases.

8.                 Self-extinguishes once removed from a flame.

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