Wednesday, January 4, 2017


Fiber morphology refers to the form and structure of a fiber, including the molecular arrangement of individual molecules and teams of molecules among the fiber. Most fibers are organic materials derived from carbon combined with alternative atoms like oxygen, nitrogen, and halogens. The essential building blocks that organic materials type as covalently bonded organic compounds are known as monomers. Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between adjacent atoms among the monomer. The structure of the monomer is set by the kind, location, and nature of bonding of atoms among the monomer and by the character of covalent bonding between atoms. Monomers react or condense to make long-chain molecules known as polymers created of a given variety (n) of monomer units that are the fundamental building unit of fibers. On formation into fibers and orientation by natural or mechanical suggests that, the polymeric molecules possess ordered crystalline and non-ordered amorphous areas, depending on the character of the polymer and also the relative packing of molecules among the fiber. For a monomer (A), the sequence of events to fiber formation and orientation would seem as shown in Fig. 1.
Polymers with continuation units of a similar monomer (A)„ would be mentioned as homopolymers. If a second unit (B) is introduced into the fundamental structure, copolymers are shaped with structures as made public in Fig. 2.

1. Polymer Formation

Synthetic polymers used to kind fibers are usually classified on the idea of their mechanism of polymerization step growth (condensation) or chain growth (addition) polymerization. Step growth polymerization involves multi useful monomers that bear successive condensation with a second monomer or with itself to create a darner that successively condenses with another dieter to make a tetramer, etc., sometimes with loss of a little molecule like water. Chain growth involves the instant growth of an extended molecular chain from unsaturated monomer units, followed by initiation of a second chain, etc. the 2 ways are outlined below schematically.

Fig. 1: Polymerization sequence and Fiber Formation

Fig. 2: Copolymer structures

The average variety of monomer repeating units during a polymer chain (n) is usually mentioned because the degree of polymerization (DP). The dp should exceed a median twenty units in most cases to convey a polymer sufficient molecular size to own fascinating fiber-forming properties. The general breadth of distribution of molecular chain lengths within the polymer can have an effect on the ultimate properties of the fibers, with wide polymer size distributions leading to an overall reduction of fiber properties. 

Fig. 3: Basic Polymeric structures for major Fibers

Though the polymers from natural fibers and regenerated natural fibers don't bear polymerization by the mechanisms found for artificial fibers, most natural polymers have characteristic repetition units and high degrees of polymerization and are related to step growth polymers. Basic polymeric structures for the "major fibers" are given in Fig. 3.

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